Now my firm really has no use for giant ceiling fans, and we had them come and give a presentation of their products just so we could get the free swag of hats, totebags, and stress relief squeezy donkey toys which are available to the general public through their website. They also have a great video of the guys at the plant throwing basketballs at the big ass ceiling fans which I unfortunately couldn't link to because it's Flash based, but if you're bored, go search for it.
Although, someday, I would really like to design a vacation home someday that moves all the air through the house via a constant low volume Big Ass Attic fan. The floors of the building would have to be "aerodynamically translucent" like a metal grate or something. Could be tricky for high heels, but who wears high heels in Maine or the Adirondacks?
Lastly I should mention that my Big Ass Fans hat has been put in storage til the spring, and I probably should have waited to post about this until some of you could see it first hand, but I was reminded of the company when The Hardware Aisle, one of my fave blogs did a snippet on them yesterday. They made a joke about installing one in the Capitol building, which makes a lot of sense because Nancy Pelosi is likely to get a lot more floor time now. Natch, into every election season a little obnoxious nasal sounding rain must continue to fall.