After much shopping for a solid deal, we finally found a way to spend the wedding money from my brother and his family... This AWESOME 9x12 wool cut pile rug was half-off and is warmer, denser, cushier, and better than everything else we looked at.
But what's uber-exciting is that we had money left over to basically purchase our entire living room from three local thrift stores. Now we can feel comfortable in our house, reduce consumerism, fund good causes, and help the environment...

The table is from Uhuru. The couch and beige chair are from Impact. And the Orange patterned arm chair is from New Life. It took a good bit of looking, but we think its pretty swanky. Especially after we rented a steamer this weekend and shined it all up.

And the best part is, it all goes perfectly with the "Buffalo Nickel" which was our first Living Room gift from my Brother... (Coincidentally also from New Life Thrift...) So, Mac and Tine, thanks for the awesome Living Room. We know it doesn't take the place of an actual thank you card; we'll get that in the mail shortly.