Below, gaze upon the diner la pièce before any labors commenced... In addition to the glaringly overt paint hue concerns, everything above the chair rail (including the ceiling) is wallpapered which needs to be dislodged . We have to refurbish all the woodwork to get a satisfactory finish. There will be plaster reparations. Then, we can get to the enjoyable allotment of repainting.

Furthermore, here's a few of the secondary undertakings we hope to also include in the overall enterprise:
Retreading the radiator finish;

Reconditioning the buffet;

Rewiring the sconces;

Buffing and servicing the door hardware;

Now, if my words seem abundantly eloquent or the articulate nature of my orations seems unnecessarily loquacious, it's because I have to convince myself that I'm not losing functional gray matter due to the fact that DANCE WAR***: Bruno Vs. Carrie Anne** is on TV in the background.
I swear this is the beginning of the End Times. This TV writer's strike is anathema** to me.
*New Testament meaning, not original Greek, you linguistic freak.
** Also, who the frick are Bruno and Carrie Anne?
***Wouldn't it be awesome if the situation in the middle east was a Dance War? Just imagine, tonight on ABC, "DANCE WAR: Shiite Vs. Sunni. Is this a Just Dance War? O r has the Dance Surge been effective?"