So it didn't really "take" like every other kid's marketed addiction. Thanks Mom and Dad, you helped me dodge THAT bullet.
But because its my birthday, I'll reminisce. I remember having to rent a Nintendo for one birthday party because all my friends had them and my parents didn't "love" me. I was overjoyed when I was at least allowed to go to Willard's Video in Rising Sun and rent one and pass it off as my own. Then, my birthday party came and no one except me wanted to play. Me sad.
But after much begging, my parents finally caved and bought me a Nintendo instead of a rifle. And for those couple of years before I got a driver's permit, I REALLY dug the MegaMan series of games. It was just so simple in its premise and there weren't all these secrets and codes and extra rules like a lot of the other games. Which is generally what I want... KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.
Well, apparantly Mega Man 9 was just released and by all accounts, the glory days of the franchise are back.

Mega Man Mania: The Robots of Dr. Wily
My fave was probably Gemini Man... who could split himself in two and shoot crazy Gemini Lasers at you...

Do you have a favorite? Or were you the type who thought Mega Man's weak single action Mega Blaster gun and lame jump height were a reason to choose Contra instead?