(Seriously, if you want to leave a comment saying how funny I am, I really won't mind.)
So I fully expected to be crankin' away on this Dining Room project by now. But oddly enough, our social calendar is penciled in from edge to edge. Every forseeable Tuesday and Wednesday, every Friday and Saturday in February, half the week-end-nights of March, and a couple of days in April are booked! I don't know if this "early spring" social activity is Global Warming related, but whatever, I'm not complaining. My extrovertometer is running like a pop starlet on the club circuit hopped up on Speed.*
But I guess I am a tad ashamed that we haven't gotten more done.
Just before our parking pass for downtown expired, we took one of our last days driving to pick up my boss's steamer. So, since we have to return that to him, we do have a slight fire burning under our asses to get this thing going.
So here's Rach starting to Paper Tiger the wallpaper on the ceiling and above the chair rails in our Dining Room.

That was going well, and simultaneously, I was sanding the trim work on the other side of the room. The first day of this went ok, but after showering up, I looked in the mirror and discovered I had like 5 flecks of high gloss white paint in my eye. Now, I'm no health freak and I think most people who are abundantly worried about preserving their lives should spend a little more time living. But I didn't like the idea that the inside of my eyelid was a veritable Sherwin Williams so I got some eye protection from the basement and bought a couple of masks. You never know about the whole Lead Paint thing in an old house, and I figure that I smoke enough cigars that I probably can't afford to have a layer of lead ON TOP of all that...

But there was a problem...

I was suffocating... It was impossible to breathe through that thing. I was confident a layer of lead dust and nicotine and tar would be better than this crap.

So Rach went into the adjoining Kitchen and found some linen kitchen towels that are working far better. They may not have the microdust protection but hey, its not like we have kids...
(And let's be frank, kids these days could do with a little more hazardous material exposure. When I was a kid, I played barehanded with a jar full of mercury that my dad collected from thermostats and batteries that HE found in junkyards when he was a kid. And other than my extra testicle and the deformed partial mutant bat wing growing between my shoulder blades, I'm fine. My wife thinks it all very sexy.)

And as an added benefit, being able to drink a Magic Hat Jinx beer while sanding is totally key to making an otherwise overly laborious job that much more tolerable.

And yes, I know we're going to get comments about how we're wearing burkas. But actually, I think they more closely resemble niqabs. I've found a handy breakdown of muslim veil fashions for everyone here, in case you're interested.

* The House Rules is not condoning the existence of Pop Starlets.