(One local radio broadcast referred to this as a slizzard. I tend to put more faith in urbandictionary.com which defines "slizzard" a bit differently.)
Now, typically, this would be another opportunity for me to rant about people who use umbrellas.
(Which would be well-deserved, because people who use umbrellas basically care more about their hair than other people's safety. Bastards.)
But I'm trying to swear off being an jerk about that online. (For now... So instead, I let loose my frustrations audibly to the folks on the train ride home, and now I turn to other things...
I got home tonight and saw this post from Tiny Old House, which has inspired me to get back into the dining room tonight. They make it look fun...
But before I do, I thought I'd answer Tim & Denise's query...
Current Dining Room Color... "Safety Glow Orange." Apparently. the previous owners used the dining room as a hunting blind, which makes sense as our neighborhood has long been renowned as a duck and deer hunting mecca.

Note the horrid kitchen color we painted beyond which has GOT to go... I think it was called "Cardamom Vomit". Probably not that bad in another setting, but it doesn't have enough contrast with our maple cabinets.
So here's the projected Dining Room in "Saddle Brown"

with the Kitchen beyond in Smoldering Red...
Also, if you're a paint color fanatic makes sure to check out colorcharts.org It allows you to find matching colors you like from multiple manufacturers. Really like that paint on your sister's wall but they don't have it at the Home Despot, where for some unknown reason you do all your shopping? Color Charts can help you out...