I just talked to Eli, who totally sounds like an old farmer dude in Gap, PA and he has a litter of labradoodles. Old Farmer dudes are the best.
It seems like it fits all our general dog buying requirements:
He's selling them cheaply (compared to standard labradoodle prices).
He's a farmer dude who breeds for fun, not for profit.
They're second generation hybrids, so there's a good chance of good breeding characteristics.
Now, of course, the labradoodle was not on our list of approved contenders in the Canine Primary, but the no allergy thing is really great and so many people recommended poodles to us that we feel comfortable with this call. And I raised Labs growing up, so while I'm aware that they're dumb as a bag of hammers, I also know that they're extremely personable and hopefully the poodle will offset any intense studpidity.
And if we're at all lucky, we'll get a beast that looks like this: