In the end, three facts remain:
1. Rach and I are WAY overthinkers anyways, so we're not likely to skimp on the details.
2. There's no way to foresee everything that could ever go wrong in your life so at some point you just have to relax.
3. We will love this guy, but he's also just a dog, not our human child. And I don't plan on rejecting a human child who has hip dysplasia so we might as well prepare ourselves for whatever may come.
Anyways, here's some pics for you visual folk who aren't swayed by pedigree certificates, F1B stats, and wordy descriptions of healthy looking nether-regions.

No name yet, but I'm trying to convince Rach to go for something nautical sounding since poodles and labs are both water dogs... here's a list from wikipedia, feel free to leave suggestions from there or elsewhere.
And I'm thinking we're going to start teaching him sign language after reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. (GREAT BOOK! Especially if you liked Hamlet and Owen Meany.) I can just see him sitting on Peddler's Knob (Lake George) or Pumpkin Knob (Peaks) where I'll signal "Duck" to him from across the channel and just like that we've got a tasty canard dinner.