How does one begin to sum up a two year absence? First step, crack open a beer. I’m drinking a Hennepin from Ommegang right now. It’s fantastic. Yes, its only 10 AM. What of it? It’s President’s Day and I’m celebrating freedom and democracy by having a beer whenever I damn well please. Perhaps the bigger question you should be asking yourself is why you AREN’T drinking a beer right now. Clearly, as the tea baggers would say, you are perpetrating your socialist communist agenda that wishes to deprive us noble God-fearing free-market rugged individualists of our civil liberties. For shame…

Second step, pretend like my absence never happened. I talked to a bunch of folks over the last two who repeatedly asked where my blog had gone. They regaled me with stories of the massive void that had been left in their lives by my silence. They mourned. They grieved. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. All of which is crazy, because my absence never happened. Moving on…
Third step, Update via Bullet Points. There’s no way to condense all the pertinent information into a blog post if I go with a narrative structure. The time wasted on telling you about the particulars of drug-induced text messaging calamities would take 17 paragraphs minimum. So, I’m opting for the list format:
*Still Happily Married, Living in Mt Airy-Philadelphia, No Kids, One Dog
*Still working at the same Architectural firm, but going to a part-time structure to allow me time for other interests. (Like Writing!)
*Still heavily interested in everything related to the “House” including home renovation, gardening, cooking, design, and entertaining. And of course the ancillary topics of city living, politics, faith and religion, and pest control. (The Stink Bug Eradication Techniques post is definitely my most popular to date.)
*Still super anxious type-A opinionated control freak, but the drugs are helping.
All of this is to say, I look forward to blogging more in the future. Coming up, a post on our newest cocktail invention, the Raj Collins.
Fourth Step, pull out the liquor and get started.
I’ll be talking to ya.