I'm not going to bore you with the details of how to plant things. If you came to this blog looking for that, you're bound to be sorely disappointed. Instead, I'll just show you the more or less finished product with a breakdownof what went into each bed. Here's the planted Garden:
Each portion has a perennial ground cover in the center surrounded by four perennial herbs that will release a pleasing aroma when stepped upon. As previously mentioned in yesterday's post, the garden beds resemble a cat burial ground more than anything else. Hopefully the "burial" mounds will settle in time and look a little less like a
Stephen King plot device.
Mazus Reptans Alba surrounded by Nutmeg Thyme. |
Antennaria Dioica surrounded by Pennyroyal |
Mazus Reptans Alba surrounded by Lawn Chamomile |
Sedum Spurium Red Carpet surrounded by Roman Chamomile |
Sedum Spurium Tricolor Surrounded by Orange Zest Thyme and Mother of Thyme |
Veronica Repens surrounded by Creeping Oregano. | |