As a general rule, I find Lowe's to be preferable to The Home Despot, but a homeowner's gotta go where the faucets are. And in this case, because we were given some very generous gift cards and because the closest Lowe's is WAY on the other side of the city, I'll head up to the big orange box on Saturday with my old faucet handles and see if I can't find a suitable replacement.
I'm thoroughly hoping they are a compression type faucets, because, if not, I'm going to have to call a plumber named Stonehouse, methinks. (Best name ever for a Home Remodeling Contractor. Plus, he's my cousin so if he could free up time in his schedule, I'd actually enjoy paying him.)
But anyways, this is the closest match that I can find online to our current plumbing fixtures...
If however, the best I can do is the $300 price tag advertised by The Home Despot, we just won't be showering until after Christmas. Consider yourself warned.