In light of another Election Day, fast approaching, I thought I'd unearth a political rant from the past. This is from ye ol' myspace page...
(It took my wife a little while to understand, but now she knows that if you pretend like you're interested, I'll be able to wrap it up quickly... )
Thursday, August 26, 2004
 | Two Party System We have these two concepts:
A. My identity is in Christ and in his work for me. I AM not my responsibilities. I AM not the things I do for other people. I AM not my sin or my Spirit lead works. I must be grounded and aware of my identity as a brother and recipient of the inheritance freely promised to me: Righteousness, Life, and Relations.
B. My responsibility is to Christ and the work he is doing in me. I DO have responsibilities. I DO have an imperitive to do things for other people. I DO have sin and DO have Spirit lead works. I must be grounded and aware of my responsibilities as a servant and soldier in the structure freely given to me: Righteousness, Life, and Relations.
In our constant drive to outline, simplify, and turn the work of an Eternal, Infinite, All-powerful, and Mysterious God into a way of life, lesson plan, or conversation, we sway into one category or the other. We rebel against trying to understand both equally because it makes things HARDER.
We have nations that only see one or the other. We have churches that only see one or the other. We have individuals (like myself) who are shortsighted and only see one or the other.
Does this remind anyone else of a two party system? Coincidental? I think not. Our sinful nature drives us to take a complex and beautiful world and divide it into packages of conservative/liberal OR mystical/legalistic. Its easier to be right when you can say someone else is wrong. I'm getting sick of trying to be right.
This is not a critique of any person or group of people (except maybe myself), but a realization of the way I think things really are. Sorry if its offensive to anybody.
Can I get an amen? (Or at least a blog commentary?) |