Its a nice office: Morning Sun. Calm blue walls. View of the trees. A working DSL connection (Finally. Verizon you suck.)
But it simply isn't really big enough for the two of us. We can't really have two desks in there, or, possibly we could, but then the qualities of a good workspace would be lost.
So, Rach, who has far more freelance and home office needs than I, gets to claim that space, and I am sent to the Breakfast Bar. Which is quite all right with me, because I like to doodle or google whilst I cook the noodles and strudels.
The problem is that my laptop, Ipod, camera, phone, etc. are all on display for the world, including last minute houseguests and people walking up our back alley who can look into our house through the patio doors. We're trying to think of alternative corners in which I may reclude* myself but each pulls me out of the action so much that I would be unlikely to go there and I'd never get anything done, and you, loyal reader wouldn't have this mindblowingly popular and hilarious blog to read. Tragic!
That's why I spat out my coffee all over the screen at work this morning, when I found this post from House in Progress, entitled Mystery Cabinet.
Basically, I will design a variation on the ENook...

I can design something a little nicer myself that doesn't look quite so much like "When Ikea met Haworth" and they got down and dirty... My design wheels are turning. Now all I need to do is buy a table saw.
*Reclude: To make a recluse of one's self.