We've narrowed our dog names down to two, neither of which are on the poll above, but we're not going to reveal the pick until a few days before the puppy is brought home so that the vetting process (get it? vetting?) can be complete and we don't accidentally pick a name that means "I hate people with special needs" in Swahili or something which would be highly unfortunate because we've spent a lot of time debating various names with family and friends which of course has lead to many a discussion of children's names which we're simultaneously not ready for and also have picked out much to the chagrin of people who kept trying to recommend names for our dog that we've already pre-reserved for our hypothetically dreaded children (and please don't get all huffy, a lot of married people fear children because kids are like a nylon leash which yes, comes in a multitude of exciting primary colors, but ultimately restricts your movement) WHICH brings us back to dogs and the naming conversation which reminds me that whenever we talked about a dog name starting with "J", I of course had to nix it because of my speech impediment which would invariably bring about my sister's response of "I wanted to name a daughter Hannah, but then I married a guy from Rochester, who pronounces it "Heeanah" so that was out the window and we named our daughter Blair" which frankly I thought was kind of awkward given that Blair was sitting right there and is certainly going to have an identity complex now, but as a result, I'm definitely imagining it'd be a good weekend to be a fly on the wall at their house because Hurricane "Heeana" is currently bearing down on the east coast, which if we weren't going away tonight and going to an awesome Ben Folds with Full Orchestra concert tomorrow (make sure to listen to the Hiroshima clip, you'll be singing "OH-OH-OH-OHHHH" for the rest of your life), would mean that we would sit around watching our last disc of Scrubs Season 3 and doing Dr. Cox impersonations (which is what this rambling run-on post is supposed to sound like, or at least should sound like in your head there, Katrina (see what I did there? since Cox calls JD by girls' names) while drinking Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Sodas, which surprisingly few people know about, but trust me, they're awesome.
BIG glass
3 Tbs. Choc. Syrup
3 Tbs. 1/2 and 1/2
Vanilla Ice Cream
Seltzer Water
In the bottom of your BIG glass, mix together chocolate syrup, 1/2 and 1/2, and a splash of seltzer water, making sure to get all those chocolatey bits off the bottom. Add several scoops of ice cream until you're just 1/2" inch below the top of the glass. Fill with Seltzer water, giver her a good stir, top off with a hair more seltzer and maybe a drizzle of chocolate syrup on top.