Let's stop talking about linguistically interesting dog names for a minute and discuss words.
(Because that's FAR more interesting to folks looking to this blog for home repair tips...)
I crave words. I discuss words incessantly. My pastor told Rachael and I that we were the most semantic couple he knew. I like reading the thesaurus. I ask for books on etymology for Christmas.
(Of course my Dad always answers those requests by giving me books on Old Testament Aramaic Etymology even though I'm not, nor ever have been, a seminary student or shown any aptitude for living foreign languages, much less dead foreign languages.)
Anyways, if you knew me at all, it should not be at all surprising that I would have categorized my favorite words. I have three characteristics which define my favorites:
1. Multi-syllabic
2. Beginning with "PL"
3. Ending with the suffix "-age", meaning act of, state of, or collection of, generally added to a French root word.
So I was very excited to find this link to Word Count which chronicles the 86,800 most commonly used words in the English language in a graphically beautiful format...

My favorite word, and thus far the only one I've found which fits all three of my categories comes in at rank #15,192: "Plumage"

When I pointed out the list to Rach, she immediately entered a few names and was surprised by the fact that "David" was ranked#619. I was not surprised because I'm awesome.