Our pastor, Geoff Bradford, and his family are regrettably leaving to lead some group
Anyways, his 6 boys have been a real joy over the past 9 years, so I wanted to throw them a special event to celebrate. I told them that we would have a massive sleepover, wrestlefest, Philly junkfood tour, video game extravaganza with all the guys from our church they wanted. They made a list and excitedly discussed it every night at dinner. Clay, who is 6 or 7 I think, was apparantly discussing this with his Dad, and started calling it "Man Night". His Dad said, "But, you're not a man...?". Clay responded "So, there'll be men!". His Dad followed up with, "Well, what are you going to wear to Man Night?" Immediately, Clay declared, "Well, I'm not wearing a shirt!"
Anyways, here's the poster:
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Courtesy- David Speers Promotional Events |
Garrison- The pinkest belly ever; His shared desire for a ginormous Squid tattoo; Farting;
Sam- Settlers of Catan Smack Talk; Gangsta Rap; Winning in Manliness Points;
Henry- Him getting a Swirly; Him getting a Polish Wedgie; Him clutching a Teddy Bear?;
Clay- Ruffio; Leaving him to Wander the streets of Fishtown alone; South Street Challenge (sorta);
Ezra- Witnessing what I can only assume was his first Wedgie; The trauma it seemed to induce;
Asher- Motorcycle Helmets; Vacant Baby Stares; General Cuteness;